Today I Shot Sir David Attenborough

  • Post by Mike Dixson
  • Mar 28, 2013
  So I&#8217;ve been very lucky today. Part of Ravensbourne&#8217;s remit at the moment is both to teach 3D and to run events. The 3D Creative Summit, held at the BFI, make for a nice dovetailing of these interests.<br /> Lucky for me I was able to grab some photos on behalf of Ravensbourne over the last two days, including shots of Sir David Attenborough as he gave a Q&A session revolving around 3D and his recent Galapagos Island showcase.
  <a href="/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/wpid-3D-Summit-Day-2-6852.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-full" title="3D Summit Day 2-6852.jpg" alt="image" src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/wpid-3D-Summit-Day-2-6852.jpg" /></a>

After shooting a lot of panels over the last two days I was keenly watching for any gesticulation that differentiated one shot from another. Which resulted in the following photo.