I’ve been making a lot more use of my digital photo frame since I moved into my flat but a fair few of the photos I want to make use of are portrait orientation whilst the majority are landscape.
For a load of photos I’ve gone thru them and manually made them landscape by using a method I noticed that You’ve Been Framed use when viewers send in mobile footage shot in the wrong orientation for tv. The technique is to enlarge a second copy of the image/video as a background layer to fit the width of the landscape orientation and blur the background.
I figured as I’d want to do this to a lot of images over time I’d make a script to do so. So using Photoshop’s Actions I’ve done so and thought I’d share it: Landscapify – Mike Dixson.atn Here’s how to load the actions into your Photoshop http://www.imphotography.com/downloads/installactions.htm
- Open Image
- In the Actions Window click on Landscapify
- Click the Play Icon >
- When prompted for the new canvas size enter the current width as the height and the current height as the width
- Click Ok (if prompted that clipping will occur click Ok to that too
- You’re done 🙂
Hope it’s useful to you.