Landscapify – Adjusting Portrait Photos for Landscape Frames

  • Post by Mike Dixson
  • Mar 12, 2014

I’ve been making a lot more use of my digital photo frame since I moved into my flat but a fair few of the photos I want to make use of are portrait orientation whilst the majority are landscape.

For a load of photos I’ve gone thru them and manually made them landscape by using a method I noticed that You’ve Been Framed use when viewers send in mobile footage shot in the wrong orientation for tv. The technique is to enlarge a second copy of the image/video as a background layer to fit the width of the landscape orientation and blur the background.

I figured as I’d want to do this to a lot of images over time I’d make a script to do so. So using Photoshop’s Actions I’ve done so and thought I’d share it: Landscapify – Mike Dixson.atn Here’s how to load the actions into your Photoshop


  1. Open Image
  2. In the Actions Window click on Landscapify
  3. Click the Play Icon >
  4. When prompted for the new canvas size enter the current width as the height and the current height as the width
  5. Click Ok (if prompted that clipping will occur click Ok to that too
  6. You’re done 🙂

Hope it’s useful to you.