International Pillow Fight Day 2014 Photography eBook

  • Post by Mike Dixson
  • Feb 16, 2015

So, technically I’m now a published author, albeit self published. As part of a project I’ve embarked on I’ve made a photographic journal ebook and published it in the following places

Google Play Books | Kobo​ | Issuu | Scribd

Its been a very interesting project so far for a lot of different reasons. Its forced me to learn InDesign for starters, but has also made me think about narrative, graphic design, layouts and the constraints on then and how they change the feel of the content.
It’s also made me revisit processing choices made when I originally processed the photos. And also realise that I have changed the way I process photos massively, and for the better I feel. I’ve also had to learn using Lightroom’s soft proofing and proof copies.

I’ve also had to learn about self publishing ISBNs and each publishing platforms nuances. By far the easiest to publish to was Google Play Books.

An enjoyable process and now I’m in a position I can produce these quicker, but a lot of the design decisions will change from theme to theme of each eBook.