[Technology Technology Web Web Design websites]
HTTP/2 Explained
Explaining the methodologies implemented within HTTP/2, this is a must read for IT staff O’Reilly Book Chapter 12 HTTP/2
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Explaining the methodologies implemented within HTTP/2, this is a must read for IT staff O’Reilly Book Chapter 12 HTTP/2
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https://wordpress.org/support/topic/line-break-break-long-links-word-wrap * { word-wrap: break-word; }
read more[Android Technology Web Web Design]
Very useful bit of info on adding a couple of lines of text to your site headers and having your webpage run app-like on Android
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I recently had a request to make a big green button, I decided to steer clear of skeuomorphism and to go with a flat clear design.
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Just a quick word of warning. Don’t install BuddyPress on your main site!
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Well I did say, I felt a theme coming on, and so tada!
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My brother Greg Dixson has been learning a lot about web design recently.
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