

[Gaming Modern Living Personal Technology]

Xbox One An Honest Write Up

Day by day I see PS fan boys slam the Xbox One misquoting sources, or not quoting the full story, or printing satirical articles as fact.

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[Modern Living Technology]

Why Streaming TV Will Mean Better Content

With broadcast media figure dropping ( faster than ever I can’t help but think what a good thing this is.

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[Android Personal Technology]

Google Hangouts Firewall Ports

Our firewall was configured as per Google’s documentation to allow the Google Hangouts nee Talk client and the Android Google Hangouts app to connect.

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[Apple Technology]

IOS6 What Would You Like To See?

IOS6 Is Coming IOS 6 looks to be certain for this Monday’s Apple Keynote, along with what we suspect is a new iPhone and every item in their arsenal, aside the iPad, getting a little something something.

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[eBooks Education Ideas Technology]

Tablet’s will not cure all that ails you

As I read the article Tablets Will Transform the Classroom [OPINION] I found myself getting increasingly frustrated at this article’s view on what Tablets like the iPad, Galaxy Tab, etc would bring to the classroom.

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[Productivity Technology]

Reverse Timesheeting

I’m lazy and forgetful, not in a bad way, but I don’t like to do more than I have to if I can simplify something and streamline it, and I have a bad memory for the more mundane things.

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[eBooks Household Technology]

The future of newspapers

Newspaper publishers are finally coming to terms with new media and trying to work out where there business model lies in this new landscape.

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[Ideas iPhone Technology]

Zero Foot Print Earphone Plugs

In this crazy world where you can buy a 64GB usb drive that is little bigger than the USB plug itself how comes ear phones still have a zonking great big plug on them.

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